International report on global sales of payment kiosks highlights PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS solutions

The company PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS from Vila Nova de Famalicão, leader in the development and marketing of interactive kiosks, appears in a highlighted place in the Industry Research report: “Global Payment Kiosks Sales Market 2021”.

This report includes an insightful analysis of the global payment kiosks market and its growth, and is segmented by company, region, type and application. Besides, the report covers an overview of the leading companies in the market (such as PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS), their marketing strategies, their contribution to the market and their recent developments.

The international report also provides a detailed assessment of the market, highlighting information such as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT analysis).

Get to know all of our payment kiosks: Click here.
International report on global sales of payment kiosks highlights PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS solutions

PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS transactional or payment kiosks allow anyone to make payments autonomously. PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS equipments can be provided with payment systems through bank note readers, cash dispensers or payment by ATM card, NFC, etc.

These payment kiosks help reduce queues at busy locations, while also minimizing the user's perception of waiting time.

PARTTEAM & OEMKIOSKS, proud and honored to be one of the companies referenced in this study, develops transactional or payment kiosks aimed at improving the quality of service and citizen experience.

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Industry Research is a platform that aims to help companies and organizations make decisions and create strategies based on facts and figures presented in market studies, which are published on this same platform.

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